Stay of Execution for Trees (Updated)
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- Last Updated: Friday, 02 February 2018 16:45
- Hits: 11203
Trees to Stay, Independent Report Sought By Parish Council
Breaking News
Cheif Executive Margaret Carney has informed Cllr Maria Bennett that there will be no felling of the trees this week. "She said in an email this is to enable her to have further conversations on the way forward to ensure that the health and safety risk is mitigated whilst responding to the concerns of residents".
Updated 2/2/18
Letter From Chief Executive Margaret Carney
On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 8:01 AM, Margaret Carney <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:
Dear Councillors
I refer to my previous emails regarding the trees in Formby Village. Having discussed this matter with Council officers we remain concerned about the health and safety risks associated with these trees. We also want to ensure the views of local communities are heard and that we take a balanced view whilst always prioritising the safety of pedestrians and road users. Delaying the removal of the trees obviously increases the risk however having sought internal professional advice I am proposing a way forward that I hope you will be able to support.
- I am minded to agree to an independent inspection of the three worst trees i.e. those outside (Waterfields, Boots and Cassidy’s) providing it is commissioned and funded by either the Parish Council or Ward Budgets and includes the requirement to assess the health and safety implications. Whilst not being bound by the inspection the Council will consider the results and our internal experts will scruitinise the report. The inspection must be carried out by a suitably qualified and experienced person and we would ask that provision be made for a conversation on any report with the Council’s experts if required. I have to remind councillors that liability remains with the Council and therefore this inspection will need to be completed quickly. The independent report would need to be received by 13th February and the intention would be to carry out any work in the week beginning 19th February.
- The two other trees will as previously advised be left in situ and we will assess these in Summer when they are in leaf. It remains our view that these trees are in decline and will need to be removed in the near future. We currently assess these as needing to be removed next Winter. However this will be subject to a further consultation with ward and parish councillors nearer time. This complies with the approach outlined in my email of 31st January of a phased approach.
I understand the Parish Council is considering the proposal to commission an independent survey next week. Obviously the proposals above is dependent upon that or another funding source being identified. I would be grateful if you could indicate your support or otherwise for this approach. If I do not hear from you by 5pm on the 5th February, I will assume you are in support. I would ideally like to achieve unanimous support for this way forward.
We can confirm that Formby Parish Council has put the issue of the trees on their Agenda for next weeks full Council Meeting and will discuss funding a full and independent report on the Chapel Lane trees. We have also been reassured that should the motion for funding be passed then an independent report can be produced by the 13th of February.