Liverpool Rd New Planning Submission
- Details
- Last Updated: Sunday, 27 January 2019 17:52
- Hits: 8710
Full Planning Application in For Liverpool Road
Plans have been re-submitted for 304 Dwellings on Liverpool Rd, Development site. To view documents and make a comments click here. Although this application has appeared on Sefton's Planning website so far as we are aware there has been no neighbourhood consultation by Sefton, new signage etc. This means the official response date of the 25th of July could be extended.
If residents have recieved notification or have seen notices around the site please could you let FRAG know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Objections to the developent should include.
Development will adversely affect immediate neighbours by...
Overlooking existing properties, loss of privacy, raising the land this will increase the local water table, which is already high and impair existing soakaways, this will make existing problems like raw sewage flooding roads worse, currently the Development site is lower than adjacent estate and can accept over spill in the event of severe flooding it serves as emergency storage, this will be removed, this will increase the risk of flooding elsewhere.
Development will adversely affect local residents by...
Increasing traffic on already congested roads, access to the site is unsuitable and may cause accidents, local amenities can’t cope, health and social services, schools, doctors, dentists.
It is important that you add your own issues to this list, this development will affect residents in many different ways, enclosing evidence such as photographs can often strengthen your objection.
You can also send objections by Post to: Planning Services, Department of the Built
Environment, Magdalen House,30 Trinity Road, Merseyside, L20 3NJ.
IMPORTANT : If sending your objection by post it must include your full name address and signature. Everyone in your household can submit an objection.