Crop-Up Catie and Her FRAG Fibs Versus FRAG Facts.
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- Last Updated: Wednesday, 26 April 2023 14:58
- Hits: 8386
Here are a selection of the latest and the FRAG Facts in reply:
FRAG voted to give Parish Council money to a Company Run by Maria Bennett........completely untrue, the Parish Council has never given money to a company run by Maria Bennett. The Parish Council have supported the Love Food Hate Waste drive to teach children about healthy eating, and supported the Formby Schools Choir Competition with a contribution to trophies and staging. As these two events were held at the Formby Festival, FRAG Councillors declared an interest and did not vote for these donations. They were approved by Labour and Conservative Councillors on the Parish Council.
FRAG tried to block flood protection measures..... Labour say because FRAG voted against the building 1100 homes in Formby, on land that floods annually and the drainage schemes proposed by the developers, FRAG have blocked flood protection measures. This is in particular relation to FRAG's opposition and Labour's whole hearted support for 286 Homes on Brackenway. Labour voted in favour of Taylor Wimpy's flood basins and land raising. A report commissioned by Formby Parish Council, shows that this scheme supported by Labour was unfeasible and would not significantly reduce the flood risk to existing homes. The report also raises concerns about the current scheme. Click here to view the report!
FRAG spent £30,000 on a toothless Neighbourhood Plan.... FRAG have spent about £12,000 on the Neighburhood Plan. Most of this money was provided by central government grants. The same grants were available to, and used by Labour run Maghull Town Council. There are 30 policies in FRAG's Neighbourhood Plan, five specifically relating to flooding, compared to just 6 in whole of Labour run Maghull's Neighbourhood Plan! FRAG's 'toothless' neighbourhood plan has put a halt to the Development at Brackenway as Taylor Wimpey have failed to meet it's policies and has forced the matter back to planning! It is also being used to oppose the new proposed foul pumping station on Liverpool Rd.
FRAG vote with the Tories.......FRAG have a Councillor on the Planning Committee. On planning FRAG have consistently vote against building on Formby's green belt, occasionally the Tories vote with us and against Labour who have supported all of Formby's green belt release.
FRAG refused to support Formby Village Businesses..... FRAG have increased the planting in Formby Village, stopped the village trees being removed, improved the tree pits, renovated and replaced the benches, introduced a village market, upgraded the CCTV in the village to combat theft, paid for new signage directing visitors to the village shops, opposed the parking charges in Sumner Road Carpark (charges supported by the Labour Party), opposed an out of town shopping area on the green belt, despite the planning inspector saying that this development would harm the shops in the village and harm the greenbelt, Labour supported these proposals. Gave funding for improvements to the Memorial Garden. Organised a VE day Commemoration in Formby Village that had to be postponed due to the pandemic. Stepped in to provide the Christmas Lights, after the previous organising committee ran out of funds, and we have put in place a budget for next years Christmas Lights. More will be needed to help recover from the pandemic, we will continue to offer support to our Village.
FRAG Oppose affordable homes.... Labour argue that because we don't support large developments on the green belt we are opposed to affordable homes. The building of all these new houses actually saw an increase in the average value of homes in Formby because of the inflated prices new-builds command. FRAG's Neighbourhood Plan ensures that if houses are given the go ahead more smaller homes 3 bedrooms or under and fewer larger homes 4 beds and over are built and requires developers to build more starter homes (policy H3). Unfortunately Sefton do not have the money to adopt new green space often containing expensive drainage schemes, so maintenance fees on these new sites are often very high and are not capped. This makes it very difficult for new home owners and older people on fixed income to afford property on these schemes even when the homes are marketed as affordable. Despite destroying our green belt these developments offer little new hope for house buyers.
FRAG's Cllr Maria Bennetts attendance record.... Maria has worked very hard for us ever since she was elected and is FRAG's longest serving councillor, most recently she has suffered from a few minor health set-backs culminating in a dose of Covid-19, this has seen her attendance dip. She hasn't lost any of her enthusiasm or fight.
To see Pop-Up Bill and his Fibs about FRAG Click here
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Published & Promoted by FRAGOFF 25 St Annes Rd Formby L37 7AS On behalf of Formby Residents Action Group 49 Hawksworth Drive, Formby, L37 7EY