Land at Altcar Lane, Formby
- Details
- Last Updated: Saturday, 27 January 2018 13:43
- Hits: 4437
24 Dwellings Land at Altcar Lane Formby
Sefton Council have now put the full application for 24 homes on Land at Altcar Lane, Formby on their website. Developers are proposing to remove the existing hedge and replace it with an extended foot path with drop curbs to to each drive way.
Click here to see all the documents online and to object to this application. The official consultation phase does not begin until notices have been placed in the local press and site notices have been posted usually on lamposts or gate posts around the development site. A member of our team has been out to check tonight (Wednesday 24th of Jan) and no notices are visible around the site. To date there have been no formal notices in the press, so the earliest the official public consultation can finish is February the 21st of January. However Sefton have said that they will accept objections up until the application is determined.
Please sign up to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like updates on this application, or you want to know when it will come before the planning committee.
Formby Residents Action Group, have booked the Gild Hall Formby on tuesday 20th of February. This was confirmed before we were aware that the Altcar Lane Planning Application had been submitted. Look out for your FRAG leaflet which will be dropping through your door in the next few days.
If you haven't had a leaflet please click on the one opposite do download you own copy.
FRAGOFF will be submitting a comprehensive objection to this proposal and will be posting helpful tips on matters that might make the strongest objections.